alright.... here goes...
i can never seem to concentrate, i cant get into thoughtlessness and by the end i just seem to be frustrated. i guess next time ill try focusing on my breathing like brenna says. i guess we'll see.
This blog is now archived. External links may not work. From 2005-2006, this blog served as a collaboration tool for a Community High School class in Ann Arbor. This course was enabled by the Community Resource program which allows for rich learning experiences. This blog the first two offerings: a one-on-one mentoring semester, and a classroom based group mentoring format, offered in separate semesters. The course was offered by additional CR teachers from 2007-2009.
Good start. Don't be hard on yourself. You might want to try keeping BOTH hands on (or towards) the Earth and calm down through that. The attention will start settling in a couple of minutes and you'll be able to carry on from there.
We will be witnessing ourselves in meditations. We have a long semester ahead to work out and get things right. So rest assured, things will fall into place.
Take care and best wishes for your meditation tommorow.