Zosia (March '06 Week 2)
Here's my post for the past week:
I've mainly been working on finding catches in my chakra's on clearing them, and trying to keep both my right and left side's cool. I haven't had any specific large problems, and i've been able to footsoak twice, which seems to help keep my sides more balanced. There's been a couple morning where I haven't had time at all to meditate, but usually I have time for a longer meditation in the evening. Having a longer meditation also allows me to be able to concentrate more, which I think allows for better meditation.
I've mainly been working on finding catches in my chakra's on clearing them, and trying to keep both my right and left side's cool. I haven't had any specific large problems, and i've been able to footsoak twice, which seems to help keep my sides more balanced. There's been a couple morning where I haven't had time at all to meditate, but usually I have time for a longer meditation in the evening. Having a longer meditation also allows me to be able to concentrate more, which I think allows for better meditation.