ok this is whats been going on lately my computer wasn't working and i had some issues revolving around the computer thing.. i wrote it down so here it is:

this was before we started concentrating on particular fingers~
day1: morning: my hands were rather warm both of them i've been very tense all over and very stressed out it's hard for me to sit today. i was thinking i ought to sit for longer but i really am feeling kind of sick so it's hard for me to balance my energy and open them up.
evening: i had much more time to work on meditating i find it's harder to meditate in the morning because i don't like waking up earlier than i have to so i think sometimes i might have to just do it after school or something.

day2. right side blocked left side seems more open. I worked a little harder and redid the right side. i then at night worked a little longer on my rightside and i think it cleared a little better. I keep forgetting the words hopefully with more meditation i will remember better.

day3: i burned incense. I use to burn incense when i was little and i would try to meditate. When i was little i would meditate but i enjoy this more direct meditation because it kind of gives me a way to know what needs to be worked on. I like the incense because it is a little more calming plus i like incense. My right is still a little blocked i need to focus on that a little more.

day4: umm my room is my favorite place to meditate i decided. It's comfy it's quiet and best of all it's calm. My mom meditates and she also chants with a group. She has many different cd's and so i tried playing one when i meditated. I think it was a cool change but i don't know how often i'll do that. Maybe i will try another one next time because that one didnt' seem to flow as good. My left was a little blocked in the morning but my right was blocked at night

day5: today i got to meditate in the morning before school it was cool i was a little tired and yawned a lot i'm getting better remembering the words. left and right were cold in the morning
evening: the left was warm and the right was cold

day 6: the right and left were cold in the morning and in the evening they were both warm... i find days when i'm more stressed it's harder to sit down and meditate...

day7: the meditation in class was really good. I like having guided meditation when someone else guides it because i am able to meditate better because someone else tells me what to do and i don't have to worry about doing something wrong. it's easier to relax...

(that was week 1 i will make a new entry of this past week...)

day 6


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