Reed's April Learning in Meditation

April paper
-Reed Fannin

Working on others is a great way to help them with stress or even to help them stay healthy. For this you need to stand behind them and do everything to them that you would normally do to yourself when you meditate. First you raise their kundalini and put them in bandhan. At this point you can use your hands, your fingers specifically to find their catches using vibrations that they give off. Depending on which finger or fingers are tingly or feel pressure is where the person has a catch. For example if your index or pointer finger is the one who feels funny then the person who your working on has a problem or catch their Vishuddhi which is around the throat area. Now that you know where the problem is you can work on it by moving your hand in a circular motion at the back of their neck to try to pull out the catch. Working on other people is one of my favorite parts of this class because I get to help someone else in a way that they might not be able or willing to do for them selves.
Another thing that we have been focusing on is the Nabhi chakra and the space around it called the Void or the Bhavsagara. The Nabhi is located around your stomach behind your belly-button. The Nabhi watches over the stomach, intestines, spleen, liver and pancreas. Keeping the Nabhi healthy and catch free is very important to a happy life because the Nabhi helps to make one satisfied, generous, moral, dignified, content and have a sense of peace. There are several reasons why one might have a catch in the Nabhi including bad eating habits, drugs, alcohol, and being a miser.
Having balanced and catch free chakras is a very important aspect of living a happy and healthy life. When your chakras are clear and cool so that the kundalini can rise without problems the person is not worried or stressed, healthy and able to life a better life. I know that I have a few catches to work on but it is to be expected because of all of the stress of high school, especially junior year. Hopefully with more meditation and practice I will get straightened out and be able to have a life with less stress and illness.


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