April Meditation Experience for Heather

April Learning Paper

The Nabhi and the Void: The Nabhi is the third Chakra in the body, it is located around the stomach. When this Chakra catches, vibrations can be felt on the middle finger. The Nahbi is the "seat of our desires". When our desires, such as hunger, security, family, etc., are satisfied, our Nahbi makes us feel peace. The Nahbi has ten petals and its element is water.
The Void is the area surrounding the 3rd Chakra (the Nahbi). It represents the Ocean of Illusion. The Ocean of Illusion is the "Seat of the Primordial Guru". The guru's qualities are love and compassion, creativity, wisdom and introspection.
When there is a catch in the Void, the vibrations are felt on the palm of both hands.

Working on people who are not classmates: I found that it was interesting that people who had never meditated before felt the vibrations when I meditated on them. They could feel tingles going up and down their spines when I was raising the Kuhndalini and putting them in Banden (spelling?), and they claimed that they felt more relaxed after I had attempted to balance their channels and clear the catches from their Chakras. I still had problems concentrating, just as I did when the class was meditating on each other. I actually found it much harder to stay focused when meditating for people who had never meditated before because, since they didn't really have to do anything, they would get bored and start to fidget or would say something to distract me.

How the Chakra's Effect My Daily Life: I'm not entirely sure how I am supposed to write about this, since I don't really know how the Chakra's effect my life in a specific way. I guess that I could say that since I can recognize a catch and attempt to work it out, that I can try to get myself to be more relaxed overall, even though it doesn't always work very well. But I'm not sure if that's the kind of answer you want for this.

-- Heather Powers


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