Final Synthesis Paper - Heather

For this paper, we were supposed to check the vibrations of three non-human objects, and three pictures of natural formations. For my three non-human objects, I checked the vibrations of a portrait of my two cousins when they were younger, a pair of extremely ripped blue jeans, and a trashcan. The portrait of my cousins gave off cool vibrations, which meant that both sides of all the chakras were balanced and there were no blockages. The ripped blue jeans had warm vibrations on the palm of both hands, which indicated that both channels had blockages in the Void. And the trashcan had warm vibrations all over my left hand which indicates that the channels are both un balanced.

For the pictures of natural formations, I checked the vibrations of pictures of Niagara Falls, The Alps and Lake Michigan. The picture of Niagara Falls gave off hot vibrations on my right hand and warm on the palm of my left, this indicates that the right channel has blockages and needs to be balanced, and that there is a blockage in the void of the left channel. The picture of the Alps had cool vibrations on the entire hand except the middle finger, which indicates that there is a blockage in the Nahbi chakra, which represents morality. And the picture of Lake Michigan had cool vibrabrations on both hands, which indicates that both channels and all chakras are entirely balanced.

Heather Powers


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