
Video Assignment: Mr. Ego

Watch the following video and answer the questions: Mr. Ego Get More: Mr. Ego 1) Write a review of the film in your own perspective. 2) What did you like most in the film and what touched you most? 3) Do you have similar problems to the ones the main character was facing? 4) In conclusion, what is ego?

Chapter 5: Homework Questions

1) (p127-p129) The author explains that after a few weeks of practicing meditation, the seeker might end up questioning himself/herself whether meditation is really worth it or not, and many times he/she finds himself/herself on a sea of thoughts and doubts. What is the reason of all this? Where do these thoughts come from and what is recommended as a way to regain stability? 2) What is "joy" for most people? What is the deeper, more spiritual sense of the word"joy"? 3) The author gives an example of what is detachment, could you describe it in your on words or give an example? 4) Explain in a few sentences how you would describe a "balanced person". 5) Point out 3 health related problems in our day-to-day lives that can be healed through the perctice of meditation. The problems you mentioned are due to an imbalance in which chackra or subtle channel?

Homework: Meditation & You

Here are questions for your next homework. The next reading is the next chapter (you can skip the rest of the text of the current chapter, as you have been recieving chakra-specific handouts from Ruchi). Lets set a deadline for this as next Tuesday, as the chapter is quite lengthy long. 1a) What are the further benefits of meditation described in the reference book (page 82)? Which of these benefits do you feel in your own personal experience with the practice of Sahaja Yoga? What is it that makes you want to meditate regularly? 1b) If you skip meditation do you feel a difference in your day-to-day life? 2) According to the reference book (pg 88) what is, perhaps the most fundamental questions that human beings have? Have you ever asked yourself this kind of question? 3) What is the relationship between vibrations and Divine communication (pg 93)? Can you give examples ofhow vibratory awareness may help in our daily lives? 4) Describe in a few sentences the 3 distinct stages of medita...

Hands-On Assignment #1 (DUE 11th of November, 2006)

This assignment involves working on others, raising their Kundalini and guiding them through the Left and Right balancing exercise. PART 1 Working on minimum 3 people, not from your household. more the better! 1. Explain the subject subtle system of channels within us (you can skip chakra details). 2. Have the person sit-down, relaxed. Raise the person's kundalini and give bandhan (standing behind) as you would do it for yourself; help the Kundalini rise from base of the spine to Sahasrara & feel it on their Sahasrara (7 times) 3. Guide the balancing excercise for the person. Here is the excel sheet with instructions and a table to fill in your observations. PART II Answer these questions 1. How would you know if a person's Kundalini has actually risen? 2. Can you spot a stressed person who might be helped by raising their Kundalini and showing them a simple balancing excercise? 3. Were your subjects interested ...

Question Set 3: Due Monday, 30th Oct., 2006 10PM

Page 40 - 58 of "Sahaja Yoga Meditation" by Nigell Powell 1. [Initial few pages] a. Describe in 8-10 sentences how ego & super-ego, when in balance, provide a person with benefits. b. Describe in 5-6 sentences the dangers of over-development of Ego & Super-Ego. 2. [p46 - p47] Summarize your impression of the nature of Kundalini in 5-6 sentences. 3. [p47 - p49] Match the columns A] Sanskrit-English Terms a. IDA i. RIGHT CHANNEL b. PINGALA ii. LEFT CHANNEL c. SUSHUMNA iii. CENTRAL CHANNEL B] Chinese Terms for channels & characteristics a. YIN i. PRESENT b. YANG ii. PAST c. None iii. FUTURE 4. [p47 - p48] Name & describe a person from either real life, popular fiction or media whom you may consider (2-3 sentences each): a. Right Sided b. Left Side...

Tasks for Week 1: Left & Right Channels

Balancing Left: Connect the left side to Mother Earth using right hand. Keep right hand on (or towards) the ground. Balancing Right: Connect the right side to the Sky using right hand. Raise left, palm facing backwards. Affirmations for cleansing the Left Channel (doesn't have to be exactly this): Mother Kundalini, please cleanse my left channel into The Mother Earth And Right Channel: Mother Kundalini, please cleanse my right side by removing excessive heat & worries from my right side. OR (if images are not visible): To balance the left and right channels using the affirmations and diagram here:

Final Synthesis Paper - Charles

My Final Meditation Report PART ONE The first piece of art I felt for vibrations was a piece by Georgia O’Kieffe. The vibrations were flowing upward off of the painting. It felt really cool, like I was holding my hand over a fan. It was very soothing. The second piece of art was a portrait of Frieda Khalo. It was similar to the first except the vibrations didn’t flow upward, they flew straight forward, right up against me. It felt very warm and soothing. The third was a painting by one of my good friends. Strangely, I did not feel any vibrations. This was most likely due to the fact it was my friends painting and he was sitting right there next to me. PART TWO Disclaimer: instead of monuments I felt the vibrations of god/goddess statues and images. The first statue I looked at was one of Vishnu a north Indian goddess** of sorts. I felt very powerful vibra...

Meditation Final Synthesis Paper - Reed

At the UMMA (the university of Michigan museum of art) one of there current exhibits is a bunch of original and very famous pictures. The prints are not reproductions or some type of photo copies of the original but the actual print that the photographer took hours to print and get perfect and I thought that it would be a great thing to do my meditation final on. For our final we were supposed to get the vibrations from several nonhuman items and record our results. Some time about a month ago Zosia and I set out to get vibrations from the pictures and these are my results. Felix Bonfils- “Palmyra: a sculptured capital, Syria” My hands were slightly warm and my ring finger and my pinky finger are tingly. Timothy H. O’Sullivan- “Ancient ruins the canon de chelle” Very cool, almost like a breeze on my hands, no tingles at all. Emmet Gowin- “Siena, Italy” Also cool, not like a breeze like the last one but more like a temperature drop, also no tingles Alexander Gardner- “Home of rebel sha...

Final Synthesis Paper - Heather

For this paper, we were supposed to check the vibrations of three non-human objects , and three pictures of natural formations. For my three non-human objects, I checked the vibrations of a portrait of my two cousins when they were younger, a pair of extremely ripped blue jeans, and a trashcan. The portrait of my cousins gave off cool vibrations, which meant that both sides of all the chakras were balanced and there were no blockages. The ripped blue jeans had warm vibrations on the palm of both hands, which indicated that both channels had blockages in the Void. And the trashcan had warm vibrations all over my left hand which indicates that the channels are both un balanced. For the pictures of natural formations , I checked the vibrations of pictures of Niagara Falls, The Alps and Lake Michigan. The picture of Niagara Falls gave off hot vibrations on my right hand and warm on the palm of my left, this indicates that the right channel has blockages and needs to be balanced, and that ...
Final Synthesis Paper Zosia Stolarchuk Throughout our explorations and learning’s in Meditation, this was one of my favorite things we got to do. I was able to go to The University of Michigan Museum of Art with Reed and feel the vibrations of real historical pictures. Besides the fact that I love photography and that this is the chance of a lifetime (to get to see real historical pictures in person), feeling the vibrations of the photographs was an extra fun thing to do. Here are 5 of the 10 pictures that I chose to feel vibrations of: Name of Picture Photographer Vibrations felt Lewis Payne Alexander Gardner Both of my hands were hot. No tingling at all. Just completely hot. A Harvest of Death Timothy H. O’Sullivan My palms and hands were cool, but my fingers all felt tingly Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941 Ansel Adams My fingers were cool, but my palms were warm. Tiny, Seattle Mary Ellen Mark My hands were warm and all of my fingers felt tingly. Gloria Swanson Edward...

Reed's April Learning in Meditation

April paper -Reed Fannin Working on others is a great way to help them with stress or even to help them stay healthy. For this you need to stand behind them and do everything to them that you would normally do to yourself when you meditate. First you raise their kundalini and put them in bandhan. At this point you can use your hands, your fingers specifically to find their catches using vibrations that they give off. Depending on which finger or fingers are tingly or feel pressure is where the person has a catch. For example if your index or pointer finger is the one who feels funny then the person who your working on has a problem or catch their Vishuddhi which is around the throat area. Now that you know where the problem is you can work on it by moving your hand in a circular motion at the back of their neck to try to pull out the catch. Working on other people is one of my favorite parts of this class because I get ...

March Learning for Karen

MARCH PAPER By Karen Waisanen Both the Nabhi and the Void are water elements. The Nabhi and void are very similar. The Nabhi takes care of your stomach, liver, intestines m spleen and pancreas. Both Nabhi and Void are caused to catch when there is miserliness, bad eating habits, asceticism, alcohol and drugs. The Nabhi is also triggered by the rushing around and worrying. The void is triggered by the practice of dark arts, perception altering practice. The Nabhi has a good sense of generosity, complete satisfaction, peace contentment, Dharma, inner sense of morality, evolution, sense of dignity and good host. The Void qualities are gravity, magnetism, dignity care, knowledge, teacher, simplicity, sharp, effective and truth. Working with friends and relatives has been a challenge. I find it’s often harder for me to work with friends that I’m very close to because it takes some time for them to center down. One of my friends could stop laughing. I found with my m...

April Learning in Meditation for Zosia

During the month of April we learned about a couple new things and focused in on some other aspects of Meditation. We specifically learned about the Nabhi chakra and the Void. We learned more about Meditating on others, specifically our friends, family, and relatives. We also talked more about how the chakras affect our daily life. The Nabhi is the chakra that is located in the area of the stomach ; the Void is located around the Nabhi chakra. The Nabhi chakra deals with satisfaction and the worries that we deal with. If your Nabhi chakra is in balance you’ll be able to do what you want without worrying about time. The Void tends to be the place where a lot of people’s Kundalini’s catch. This is because as the Kundalini rises it tends to get stuck in the Void and go around it. As the Void fills the Kundalini is able to continue upwards. This allows us to go beyond time and learn how to be our own master. This past month I have been able to work on other people in my family ...

April Meditation Experience for Heather

April Learning Paper The Nabhi and the Void: The Nabhi is the third Chakra in the body, it is located around the stomach. When this Chakra catches, vibrations can be felt on the middle finger. The Nahbi is the "seat of our desires". When our desires, such as hunger, security, family, etc., are satisfied, our Nahbi makes us feel peace. The Nahbi has ten petals and its element is water. The Void is the area surrounding the 3rd Chakra (the Nahbi). It represents the Ocean of Illusion. The Ocean of Illusion is the "Seat of the Primordial Guru". The guru's qualities are love and compassion, creativity, wisdom and introspection. When there is a catch in the Void, the vibrations are felt on the palm of both hands. Working on people who are not classmates: I found that it was interesting that people who had never meditated before felt the vibrations when I meditated on them. They could feel tingles going up and down their spines when I was raising the...

March Meditation Experience for Heather

March Learning Paper The Mooladhara and Swadisthan Chakra's: The Mooladhara Chakra is the first Chakra in the body, it is located at the base of the spine, beneath the sacrum bone. When you're meditating, and the Mooladhara Chakra catches, you can feel the vibrations at the base of the palm on each hand. The Chakra has four petals, and its element is earth. The Mooladhara Chakra controls memory, emotional balance and sexuality. The Swadisthan Chakra is the second chakra in the body, it is located in the lower back and is the start of the right channel. If there is a catch in the Swadisthan Chakra, vibrations are felt on the thumb. This Chakra has six petals, and its element is fire. The Swadisthan Chakra controls the liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas. It is the source of creativity, pure knowledge and inspiration. How my meditation has progressed over the past month: It has been much easier for me to begin meditating than it used to be. It's a little ...