Hands-On Assignment #1 (DUE 11th of November, 2006)

This assignment involves working on others, raising their Kundalini and guiding them through the Left and Right balancing exercise.

PART 1 Working on minimum 3 people, not from your household. more the better!

1. Explain the subject subtle system of channels within us (you can skip chakra details).

2. Have the person sit-down, relaxed. Raise the person's kundalini and give bandhan (standing behind) as you would do it for yourself; help the Kundalini rise from base of the spine to Sahasrara & feel it on their Sahasrara (7 times)

3. Guide the balancing excercise for the person.

Here is the excel sheet with instructions and a table to fill in your observations.


PART II Answer these questions

1. How would you know if a person's Kundalini has actually risen?

2. Can you spot a stressed person who might be helped by raising their Kundalini and showing them a simple balancing excercise?

3. Were your subjects interested for the span of the excercise or their curiosity developed further to learn more (and participate in future hands-on assignments)?


LiXR said…
HI Alex,

Good question. You would use your own left hand to pull up vibrations while starting the bandhan, but your left hand would be at the left waist level of the subject so that the arch you make will be over them and not you. Similarly you tie the knot over that person's head. Their attention, as far as possible should be relaxed but inside so they can observe subtle changes within them.


From: vishamon --- [mailto:vishamon@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 9:45 AM
To: Vic Divecha
Subject: assignment

I have a question about the "pay it forward" assignment.
When giving bandhan to another person, does the motion begin from my left hand, or theirs? Also, am I to rais their Kundalini with merely my attention, or ask them to focus their attentioin on it as well? In any case, I will work on my sister again before doing the actual assignment, so that I am better assured of how it will go.

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