
Showing posts from March, 2006

Zosia (March '06 Week 2)

Here's my post for the past week: I've mainly been working on finding catches in my chakra's on clearing them, and trying to keep both my right and left side's cool. I haven't had any specific large problems, and i've been able to footsoak twice, which seems to help keep my sides more balanced. There's been a couple morning where I haven't had time at all to meditate, but usually I have time for a longer meditation in the evening. Having a longer meditation also allows me to be able to concentrate more, which I think allows for better meditation. Zosia


im so sorry that it has been such a long time since my last post. i have been meditating almost everyday but mostly at night, it is just more difficult to manage in the morning. ive footsoaked a couple times but it is much easer especially if im not at home to just meditate without it. a couple classes ago you (vic) told me that to fix one of my catches that i should drink alot more water to stay hydrated and that has helped alot, i dont really have a big catch at the momment. i was so used to the meditation thet we did in the begenning that now i find it hard for me to remember all of the right things to say and the right time to say them. i just forget that in suposed to say something, so i like being walked through the new(ish) stuff. whats the deal about tomorrows class? do we have it? cause the scheduel is so messed up
I missed the last two classes because I've been sick. I've discovered that trying to meditate while I am sick normally just ends up with me falling alseep and then waking up not knowing what I am doing on the floor. So yeah, I've kind of not been able to finish a meditation for a little while, but the ones before I got sick, were kind of helping but the palm of my right hand is still always tingly.


Here are my posts for the last couple days days: Friday & Earlier: I've been working on my chakra that's connected to my left hand ring finger a lot, and also doing everything else (balancing chakra's, etc,.) I haven't had a lot of time, but I did find some time on Friday evening to do a footsoak and balancing chakras. I lit a candle, and it was really relaxing. Today: Mainly today during my meditations I tried to focus on the Mooladhara and Swadisthana chakras. I plan to do that some tomorrow too, along with the other basic stuff I normally do during meditation.
sorry i missed the last class.. i've been meditating some... um if there is a way to know what i missed that'd be cool hope you guys had a good meditation together. have a good week

Zosia 03 10 2006

Morning: For the past couple of days, my morning meditation has been focused on the Mooladhara. I've found it hard to focus on both the Mooladhara and the Sahasrara at the same time. My attention seems to wander a lot more than when I just try to focus on one thing. I keep trying though. Evening: I've tried footsoaking once more, and it was as relaxing as it was the first time I tried it. I also lit a candle (and kept my eyes open) and just focused on the Sahasrara, and cleansing my channels. I footsoaked tonight, and my right hand was warm.
This is a general update for the past like 2 weeks or so since I didn't have any internet access. Things have been going roughly the same, and the footsoaking didn't really do anything for me, I tried it just using the candle and not the footsoaking and it worked a little better than just regular meditation. The upper part of my palm on my right hand is still feeling warm and a little tingly whenever I meditate.


Here's my post for today/the past couple of days: I've been meditating daily and it's been going well. I've been feeling a little bit time crunched even though it's during the break. I've been working on clearing out specific chakras (using the sheet we got). I tried the footsoak which was also really relaxing. I've been working on both sides equally. Some days I work on my right side, some days I work on my left. Today I focused on my right side because my middle and ring finger were warm during meditation.