Question Set 3: Due Monday, 30th Oct., 2006 10PM
Page 40 - 58 of "Sahaja Yoga Meditation" by Nigell Powell 1. [Initial few pages] a. Describe in 8-10 sentences how ego & super-ego, when in balance, provide a person with benefits. b. Describe in 5-6 sentences the dangers of over-development of Ego & Super-Ego. 2. [p46 - p47] Summarize your impression of the nature of Kundalini in 5-6 sentences. 3. [p47 - p49] Match the columns A] Sanskrit-English Terms a. IDA i. RIGHT CHANNEL b. PINGALA ii. LEFT CHANNEL c. SUSHUMNA iii. CENTRAL CHANNEL B] Chinese Terms for channels & characteristics a. YIN i. PRESENT b. YANG ii. PAST c. None iii. FUTURE 4. [p47 - p48] Name & describe a person from either real life, popular fiction or media whom you may consider (2-3 sentences each): a. Right Sided b. Left Side...